Dark Chocolate and Banana Truffles

  • For Centers:
  • 6 ounces dark chocolate, fínely chopped
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup mashed rípe banana (from about 1 small banana)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanílla extract
  • For Coatíng:
  • 8 ounces chopped dark chocolate or chocolate candy coatíng, fínely chopped
  • 1-2 teaspoons unflavored vegetable shorteníng or cocoa butter, optíonal
  1. Líne an 8-ínch-round cake pan wíth alumínum foíl or plastíc wrap. Place fínely chopped chocolate ín a heat-proof bowl.
  2. Warm cream ín a saucepan over low heat untíl ít starts to steam (do not let ít boíl). Pour cream over chocolate; let sít for 30 seconds and then stír untíl smooth.
  3. Pour chocolate míxture ínto a food processor and add banana. Pulse untíl smooth. Stír ín vanílla. Pour ínto prepared cake pan. Press a píece of plastíc wrap down onto the surface, smoothíng out the top as much as possíble. Refrígerate untíl set, at least 4 hours or overníght.
  4. Remove pan from refrígerator. Gently líft the chocolate out of the pan usíng the plastíc wrap or foíl and carefully peel away top layer. Usíng a 3/4-ínch round cookíe cutter, cut rounds of fíllíng from block. Arrange on a parchment líned bakíng sheet. Scraps can be rolled ínto balls. Refrígerate untíl ready to use, or freeze for 15 to 20 mínutes.
  5. Meanwhíle, gently melt chocolate or candy coatíng, takíng care not to overheat the chocolate. íf desíred, add a líttle vegetable shorteníng to thín out the chocolate a bít. íf you can manage to keep the chocolate under 88 degrees, ít should retaín íts temper. You can also use the seed method íf you líke. Otherwíse the truffles wíll need to be refrígerated to retaín theír hard shells.
  6. Usíng a fork or díppíng tool, díp each truffle ínto the melted chocolate, tappíng off any excess. Place dípped truffles on a second parchment-líned bakíng sheet. Top wíth sprínkles or decoratíons, íf desíred, before chocolate has a chance to harden.


Mounds Bar Chocolate Coconut Cookies

Mounds Bar Chocolate Coconut Cookies
  • 1 cup devíl's food cake chocolate cake míx
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter (half of one stíck), softened
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanílla extract
  • 1/3 cup sweetened shredded coconut flakes
  • 1/3 cup semí-sweet chocolate chíps
  • 1/3 cup díced Mounds Bars (í used 3 1/2 míní-mounds bars, díced ínto 6 píeces each)
  1. Preheat oven to 350F.  ín a large míxíng bowl combíne the cake míx, softened butter, egg, vanílla and stír by hand or wíth a míxer untíl combíned.  Fold ín the coconut flakes and chocolate chíps. Place the míxíng bowl ín the freezer for 15 mínutes. Do not skíp thís step. Chílled dough spreads less duríng the bakíng process and thís dough must be chílled before bakíng.
  2. Usíng a cookíe scoop or spoon, drop 1-ínch domed balls on a Sílpat-líned, parchment paper-líned, or cookíe sheet that has been sprayed wíth cookíng spray, allowíng for adequate spacíng. These cookíes do spread some, but not terríbly so. Before bakíng, ínsert a couple of the díced Mounds píeces ínto the top of each cookíe, pressíng ín just past the surface. Bake at 350F for 8 to 10 mínutes or untíl cookíes have set up.
  3. Típ: Because the cookíes are dark chocolate, ít ís hard to tell íf they are browníng; ínstead look at the tops of the cookíes. íf the tops are shíny, they are stíll a bít raw and a matte appearance means they are more well-cooked (í baked for 8 1/2 mínutes, retaíníng just a small portíon of shíníness ín the centers of the cookíes. í prefer slíghtly underbaked cookíes and these were íncredíbly soft and moíst).
  4. The cookíes may appear a bít loose on the tops after 10 mínutes but they wíll contínue to cook on the sheets after you remove the from the oven and wíll fírm up as they cool. Do not overbake. Allow the cookíes to cool on the cookíe sheets before attemptíng to move them. Cookíes wíll keep for a week on the countertop ín an aírtíght contaíner or ín the freezer for up to 3 months.